Friday, 19 April 2013

Deborah Tyler-Bennett interviewed by Strange Alliances

Storm Damage by Steve Rudd

Counting the cost, the morning after;
Not as bad as I’d first thought
The roof is still in place, and all the chimneys
Still lean as crazy as yesterday

One plastic greenhouse lurches over, all
Seed trays in a jumble, its strained sides
Still ruffled by each diminished blast,
And the fence of willow screen lies flattened

Twigs and branches strewn around
As though God had cast the I Ching,
Sowed the wind and reaped the whirlwind
With a power that swayed even cathedral spires
Dislodging bats and rooks, unwilling into the night.

I have lived through many storms,
And each has left its mark on me
Each scar, rebuffed by the vast blast,
Despite the wind’s moan, I remain a survivor
Who has spent many nights lying awake
Listening to the tiles fall off my life,
Too scared to go outside
Or get up there and stop it.

But, today, it’s not too bad,
Like many things in life, it could have been much worse,
And so today we make a list
Of all the things needing fixing,
Sigh, and stoop to build again.
Things that need fixing; a long, long list,

Starting with me, although I fear
There, I might have to manage my expectations;
This sunshine’s only temporary –
Enjoy it while you can;
For there will be other nights
Listening to mysterious crashes in the dark,
The howling winds of despair,
The sound of breaking glass.